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This is for Kelsee Bone :)

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17, 2015

A ) Push Press 8-10 x4 65%, 70%, 75%, 80% 
B1) Ring rows or inverted rows 10 Ring row Demo

B2) Face pulls 10 Demo

  • Face pulls are meant to be slow and controlled. Count to 3 as you pull it towards you, and count to 3 as you let it pull away from you.

B3) Scap pull-up 10 x4 Demo

  • Scap pull ups are also a slow and controlled. As you are activating your scaps count to 3 and then relax to a dead hang. 

C1) Dorsiflexion with band 10 each ankle Demo
C2) Ankle Inversion/Eversion 10 each ankle Demo

Tabata- Hand Release push up 
Tabata - DU
Tabata- Burpee
Rest 3 minutes in-between each 

Tabata is 20 work/ 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds- side note you can download a Tabata timer on the apple apps store or download a Tabata song on Itunes store. You can also go to youtube and just play the Tabata song if you dont wont to buy it. 

Record the number of sit-ups you do each round. Then take the average. That is your score.

Rest 4-6 hours between sessions 

Run 1 Mile in 7:20, 
REST for 8 mins. 
Run 1 Mile in 7:10,

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